UFF promove minicurso de aplicativo shiny

Building web applications in R using Shiny

Aprenda a construir um aplicativo shiny com Dean Attali, ele é um expert em R-Shiny.

Descrição do minicurso:

Shiny is an R package that can be used to build interactive web pages with R. This might sound strange or scary, but you don’t need to have any web knowledge – it’s just R! If you’ve ever written an analysis in R and you want to make it interactive, you can use Shiny. If you’ve ever written a function or model that you want to share with others who don’t know how to use R, you can use Shiny. Shiny has many use cases, and this course will help you see how you can leverage it in your own work. In this workshop, you’ll learn how to take a Shiny app from start to finish – we’ll start by building a simple Shiny app to interactively visualize a dataset, and deploy it online to make it accessible to the world.


A quem se destina: todos que desejam aprender a construir um aplicativo web interativo usando a linguagem R


Quando será? No dia 21/5/2019 de 18 às 21h.


Vaga limitadas. Inscrições abertas no site: http://ser.uff.br/minicurso/





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